Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Vowcabulary: "Eclectigant"

I think "eclectigant" - eclectic + elegant - is a really great word. Because the feel it describes is not just one plus the other, it is a blend of the qulities, just like the word is a blend of their letters.... this may sound silly, but I think it is important!

I think I really did make up a word this time. I hope. I was pretty crushed when "pre-ance" turned out to be already in use. There is very seldom anything new under the sun, so someone somehwhere probably has used it. But when I googled it, nothing came up, and that's good enough for me!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Some Notes on Ceremony Music

The music you choose for your ceremony sets the tone of your wedding just as much as the decor. It should reflect who you are as a couple, but also blend well with the scene you have set. Here are some do's and dont's to help guide your selections.

1)Do: Keep it simple, and keep it classy. Even though everyone wants to stand out and express themselves a bit, you are better off going with a classic love song that fits the mood.

2) Do: Think about instrumentation. If you are planning to use solo piano or guitar accompaniment and have a friend sing, for example, you'll want to make sure the song you choose works well for the people involved. Many popular songs, when they are pared down to just voice and instrumental accompaniment, don't stand up well. Pick something that has a beautiful melody and meaningful lyrics.

3) Don't: Wait until the last minute to plan the music and who you will have perform it. If you are getting married in a house of worship, more than likely they will have someone on staff, or suggestions for who you could have do the music for you. If you plan to hire a professional, they should be booked as far in advance as possible. If you are having friends or family, you need to give them time to prepare so that they are comfortable. Don't put someone on the spot!

4) Do: Include tradition if possible. Your guests will enjoy hearing something familiar, and it will bring back good memories.

5) Don't forget to include the ceremony music in your budget. If you're using a DJ for both ceremony and reception, or just using recorded music, that may be done for you. But even if you're just doing a CD, you may want to have someone who really knows what they are doing do the sound for you- you want things to go smoothly!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Joining the Party of "No"?

Saying "Yes" to a proposal sets off the wedding planning process. There are so many choices to make, options to consider, and it is usually both exhausting and fun to get everything figured out. I feel like after that one resounding "Yes!," my fiance and I turned into "No!" party of two. So many venues, caterers, and ideas to reject. So many things that were just not "us." So many helpful offers that were a little less helpful than intended.... you get the picture. Must every "Yes" preceded by a series of "No. Not that one. Not quite. I don't think so. Uh uh. Well..."? I think being particular is a good thing, but sheesh! Anyone else out there feel like they are having the same party I am? Hopefully it's all the sweeter when you get to "Yes" when there is a trail of "No" behind you.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

In Favor of the Fingertip Veil

There's a huge trend right now for short sassy veils, lots of birdcages with fun accessories, feathers, you name it. And this is a good trend- not everyone is into the traditional look, and brides now have so many more options to express themselves than they did even just a few years ago. But I want to revisit an old favorite, the classic veil that is the most popular of all time: the fingertip length veil. I prefer the single layer version, simply edged. It's the perfect touch that says "bride," but doesn't call a lot of attention to itself. And you have the elegant, longer line withouth the weight and hassle of a veil that goes to the floor or more.
By all means try on a variety, but while you're at it, don't skip over the lovely simplicity of a fingertip veil!

Erica Koesler makes some of my favorites. Check out www.ericakoesler.com. The one pictured above is style 608-40.